How do I make a gift selection?

To select a gift, tick the green box below your gift of choice to Add to Cart. When you have completed your selection, click on the shopping cart on the top left of the page to access the drop down menu and click Complete. You will then be prompted to confirm your gift selection.

RewardNet will not let me make a selection

RewardNet may have timed-out - refresh your browser and try logging in again. If you still cannot make a selection contact us: +353 (0)61 306 006 or info@giftinnovations.ie

I am using an iPad and my login details aren't working - what do I do?

RewardNet works best using Google Chrome on Windows or Android operating systems. Pleas try using this browser and contact us if you have further problems.

I can only see a limited selection of gifts - what do I do?

Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to view the entire selection of gifts.

I have been allocated points, how do I redeem them?

You may select gifts to the total value of your points allocation. All points must be redeemed at once.

Can I choose a gift of higher value than my points allocation?

Yes, it is possible to supplement your points allocation by contacting us. We accept credit and debit card payments for the balance. Contact us: +353 (0)61 306 006 or info@giftinnovations.ie 

Can I choose more than one of a particular gift?

Yes, you can increase the ordered quantity of a gift from 1 unit up to 5 units. Click Add to Cart to add more than one gift.

Can I change my selection if I have selected the incorrect items?

Yes, please let us know immediately and we will reactivate your login details to complete a fresh selection. Contact us: +353 (0)61 306 006.

Can I change my mind after I have completed my selection?

Yes, however, we must be notified within 5 working days if you wish to complete a new selection.

Why has a gift option has been removed from the catalogue?

The gift option may be unavailable or discontinued. Gift Innovations reserves the right to remove gifts from the catalogue at any time. 

 What happens to my data?

Gift Innovations takes your privacy seriously. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we do this and your data rights.

Why do I need to provide my home address and daytime (mobile) telephone number?

We request this information if your company asks us to deliver gifts to your home address. The telephone number allows our courier to contact you to facilitate a timely delivery.

When will I receive my gift?

As multiple employees may be eligible to select gifts in your organisation, gifts will be delivered once all or the majority of employees have made their selections. Delivery dates and addresses are agreed with your employer.